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In January of 1985 being led by the Lord, Larry and Blanche Fort opened their home for Bible Study not knowing that this would be the beginning of a new era in their lives. The study was held in their den for the next three months. Then on May 12, 1985 (Mother's Day), six adults from this study came together in the basement of this home and held the first Worship Service of what was then called New Freedom Worship Center.  The name of the Church organization was later changed to New Freedom Christian Center, Inc. and on September 30 1985, it was charted and incorporated under that name. Services continued in the basement with Christ with us every step of the way.



As we grew, a Community Outreach Ministry was developed to help meet the Spiritual and Physical needs of the people. We gave tithes and offerings and the Lord blessed our giving and gave back to us full measure, pressed down shaken together and running over.


By 1987, membership had grown and others visited but we remained small. You see God had a plan. There would be no bake sales, no raffles, no barbecues, for we walked and continue to walk by Faith. God would use this small group of individuals walking in obedience to is Word to show what He could do through faith.


In June 1987, God moved on the heart of William Moses Fort, Sr. to donate a gift to his youngest son Larry to help the Church build a House unto the Lord. That gift was the land on which we are now located. Construction began in August of 1987 and on February 21, 1988, we held our last Sunday class in the basement and then drove over to our new Church building at 695 Vine Street. We out grew the old Sanctuary and God called us once again to step out on faith and build a new one, which was completed in June of 1999 and dedicated to God on July 11, 1999.


Today, this ministry continues to grow and prosper.  Our pastorial team, leadership, and various other ministries continue to pray, fellowship, minister, and move forward by FAITH.  We the New Freedom Family ask you, our brothers and sisters in Christ, to join with us as we take this opportunity to thank and Praise God our Father and The Lord Jesus Christ for all that he has done.  We are especially grateful for the most important Gift that He has given to this Ministry, and that is Spiritual growth, causing us to walk in newness of life by the power of His Holy Spirit.






New Freedom Christian Center Mission Is: 


(1) to bring people to Christ;  


(2) to teach people how to develop a relationship with Christ; and 


(3) to prepare people to be responsible Christians.

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